What's a "Friction Log"?

A friction log is a type of UX experiment where the subject journals their feelings, thoughts, struggles, joys, and any other type of emotion. The point is to surface anything that gives the user discomfort or joy so the product or feature can improve. That's what this site is all about.

Rather than a typical tech review, this site will try to extract experiences when using tech. The experience might be a first time experience, or trying out a new feature, or document what contributing to an open-source project is like.

There's a few different ways to consume the content:

Text content (the log on this site)

The log part of this site is the long form text that chronicles the experience. It will cover info about the subject user, some general thoughts, and individual logs. If the logs have a video to go with it, then the logs will link to the appropriate part of the video.

Video content

Some logs will have a video recording of the user using the product or feature. This will have the most raw, non-curated content that journals the friction log.

Podcast content

Cesar and I will have an audio / podcast format that will cover the friction logs, which will include more in-depth opinions and feelings about the products / features.

If you'd like us to do a friction log, please reach out!

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