The latest picks this week - Mobile E2E testing, Excel + JavaScript, and more.
by Rick Blalock · 11/4/2021
Wix has an interesting E2E testing framework for mobile called Detox. Here's a sample test:
js1describe('Login flow', () => {2 3 it('should login successfully', async () => {4 await device.reloadReactNative();5 6 await element('email')).typeText('');7 await element('password')).typeText('123456');8 await element(by.text('Login')).tap();9 10 await expect(element(by.text('Welcome'))).toBeVisible();11 await expect(element('email'))).toNotExist();12 });13 14});
This script lets you export photoshop layers pretty fast. How the script works (i.e. read the source code) is the most fascinating part of this.
Check it out here:
Here's a link to the article.
Read the article here
You've been able to do this with Google Sheets since forever. Now you can use JS with Excel.
It seems like by default collaborating with somebody with APIs required me to use POSTman but I grew tired of the interface and how it manages the APIs. I decided to give Paw a try and so far I'd recommend it. And yes... the import and export process to POSTman works!
What a great implementation of this concept. Check it out
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